PLVE: Resources for current candidates
Please see the links below to resources for curent PLVE candidates to aid the development of your portfolio. For information about whether the use of any particular form is required, please see your bespoke Educational Requirements.
Portfolio Evidence Review Checklist: This is your main reference for the evidence that you need to develop as part of your portfolio.
DOPS Templates: Use these templates as part of the initial few months of your supervised work to demonstrate your competence.
MSF Summary Sheet: Your VS/mentor should use this template to collate your Multi-Source Feedback Responses.
Standards for Clinical Records: Sample checklist for how to analyse clinical records as part of an audit. Reference the guidance notes for information on how to use this tool.
PSQ Form: You should give this to patients to complete and return anonymously to the practice. Combine the results of these forms to make you Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire.
VS Structured Report: This must be completed by your VS/mentor and submitted with your portfolio at the end of your PLVE period.
PLVE Logbook: This should be used througout your PLVE period to support your training. It must be submitted with your completed portfolio at the end of your PLVE period.