Our dedicated teams co-ordinate and facilitate the postgraduate training of hospital based doctors and provide advice to our Postgraduate Specialty Schools.
The teams look after specialty trainees, core training CT1 and CT2 (CT3 for Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry Paediatrics, and ACFs in medicine) or ST upwards until trainees reach CCT/CESR.
The teams work closely with NHS Trusts in all aspects of recruitment and to ensure that educational standards are maintained. They also work closely with both external and partnership organisation e,g Department of Health, GMC and Colleges/Faculties and provide information for National returns.
Associate Postgraduate Deans are responsible for all specialties and lead on Out of Programme, Less than Full Time Training and Inter Deanery transfers.
Associate Postgraduate Deans also work with Training Programme Directors to provide support and advice to individual trainees on any aspect of their training relating to medical education responsibilities.
All these activities are underpinned by colleagues in local trusts in their roles as Chairs and Directors of Training Programmes, Directors of Postgraduate Medical Education, Clinical Tutors, Clinical and Educational Supervisors whose contribution enables us to strive towards the highest standards of medical education.
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