Workforce, training and education
East Midlands

To translate a help-file indexed by Advanced Help, first create a directory translations/help/language in the project's root directory. The language is the language code that appears on the Languages page in the administrative UI.

Then, copy the .ini file and all the .html files from the help directory into this. If you need to alter an image to use it in a translation, you may also put the altered image there.

In the topics section, the .ini file only needs to keep the topic names (unaltered) and titles (translated). If there is a name or index name setting in the 'advanced help settings' portion, that should be retained. Any retained settings should be translated. The rest of the data in the .ini file may be discarded or ignored.

Each .html file should then be translated in place.

When translating a .html file, you will find that the &path& keyword (used for images and links) will lead to the original directory. If you must translate items that are linked, such as images containing text, use &trans_path& instead, which will lead to the translated directory. This will allow you to pick and choose which linked items, if any, will be translated.

If a topic is not translated, the default (untranslated) version will be shown instead.

Translating Advanced Help's help files

If you want to help with the translation of Advanced Help help texts for a particular language, look for an issue named named “Translation to XXX” (where “XXX” is the language you want to translate the help texts to) in the issue queue for Advanced help. If such an issue does not exist, please can create it. Choose Category “Task”, Status “Needs review” and Component “Documentation”. Upload translated files as an attachment (change the file type from .html to .txt to be allowed to upload).

Uploaded translations will be included in the next version if reviewed and approved by other users (i.e. gets to status “RTBC”).