This section contains notes about how to integrate Content Access with other modules.
I have not tested these myself, so I do not guarantee that the suggestion collected below actually work. They are just to keep the links to the workarounds posted somewhere on the web in a single file.
If you spot link rot, or wrong information, on this page, please report it using the project's issue queue.
Varnish, Cachewall
Varnish and other cache systems such as Cachewall by default will delete cookies before they reach Drupal, so everybody becomes an anonymous user. This precludes access to private file attachments.
Below are settings for Varnish to prevent this for some file types:
# Always cache the following file types for all users. This list of extensions # appears twice, once here and again in vcl_fetch so make sure you edit both # and keep them equal. if (req.url ~ "(?i)\.(pdf|txt|csv|png|gif|jpg|ico|swf|css|js)(\?.*)?$") { unset req.http.Cookie; }
- Issue #2682635
- Issue #2421429, comment #4
Views and Workbench
If you have problems intgrating Views and/or Workbench, in particular in connection with the “View own unpublished content” permission, one of these links may help:
- Issue #2205609
- Drupal Answers: Problem with “Content Access” and permission “View own unpublished content”.
- Drupalprimer: Drupal 7's Access Control module prevents view of user's own unpublished content.
Problems using relationships in Views may be solved by patching core:
- Issue #2020453
- Issue #1349080, comment #332