Named Clinical Supervisors
Role of the named Clinical Supervisor (CS)
- Each trainee should have a named clinical supervisor for each placement.
- A CS is a trainer who is selected and appropriately trained to be responsible for overseeing a specified trainee's clinical work and providing constructive feedback during a training placement.
- Some training schemes appoint an Educational Supervisor for each placement. The roles of Clinical and Educational Supervisor may then be merged.
- The CS should meet the trainee at regular intervals throughout the placement.
- The CS is often asked to produce a CS report at the end of the placement.
Remaining up to date as a named Clinical Supervisor in the East Midlands
Every 5 year Revalidation cycle you need to demonstrate that you have undertaken CPD that covers domains 1-4 and 7 of the GMC standards for trainers. An individual trust (Local Education Provider) or Speciality School may provide alternative face to face clinical supervisor training; suggestions for training resources are available elsewhere on our website (
Your role as named clinical supervisor should be discussed annually in your appraisal and should be in your job plan. There is an expectation that your role as named clinical supervisor is reflected in your PDP and CPD over the 5 year revalidation cycle.
Within each 5 year cycle you should assimilate and accommodate updates on Clinical Supervision into your practice. These updates may come from HEE EM, your DME or your College. Please note if you do not update and provide this evidence to your trust, (Local Education Provider) you should not act as a named clinical supervisor. If you are out of date with your clinical supervisor training updates you should repeat the online training.
As a named clinical supervisor you can of course access courses for named educational supervisors, which cover a variety of education topics in more detail.
Equality and Diversity Training
All named clinical and educational supervisors should also remain up to date with equality and diversity training. This needs to be completed every 3 years.
Training resources
For current/aspiring trainers looking for CPD suggestions relevant to their training role, please see our Training Resources page: