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Curriculum Study Leave
Health Education England has responsibility for setting strategy for Curriculum Study Leave, for managing the online application system (Intrepid Leave Manager -, managing the budget and for hearing appeals. The online application system was launched in August 2013 and manages Curriculum Study Leave applications for all trainees in the East Midlands region. Since then we have developed the system (we call it ‘Leave Manager Plus’) to further streamline the process and provide a better service to users.
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and Study Leave
HEE recognises the impact that COVID-19 has had and will have on those claiming study leave and/or expenses as part of HEE training programmes and will endeavour to support trainees where possible.
Further information is available on our dedicated page:
International Leave/Leave Manager Entitlement increase requests
Please see our dedicated page for information about requesting Leave Manager entitlement increases or for requesting international leave here:
Approved Courses/Events
Each School has prepared a list of pre-approved events (courses, events or Royal College exams where appropriate) for trainees in their School to attend. For more information, please see our dedicated page,
We’re happy to help!
If you need assistance when applying for leave, please read the CSL Policy or guidance documents provided at the bottom of this page. You may also wish to contact your Trust’s Study Leave Co-ordinator. They are usually based in the Education Centre. A list of them is also available at the bottom of this page. If you have a technical query about Leave Manager (, or a query relating to policy, please contact us. CSL is managed by the Faculty Support Team. You can reach us by email on or by phone on 0116 478 8630.
We also have a page for Known Intrepid Issues; If you're having issues, you may want to check there to see if we're aware, and a solution if applicable.
CSL Policy updates
The current version of the CSL Policy will always be published on our website in the Downloads area on the bottom of this page. Where the policy is updated, a note will appear on the website with a brief summary of the change.
- 20 June 2018. The national study leave process has changed; the East Midlands policy has been updated to reflect this.
- HEE have produced a brief video highlighting some of the changes to study budgets; please note that this is only a brief introduction, and the CSL Policy details how this is implemented and accessed in HEE East Midlands-
Providing Feedback
If you’d like to provide feedback, we’d love to hear from you. You can do that by emailing us at
Yes – we have produced a video in conjunction with Nottingham University Hospitals. This takes you through the different application processes (eg applying for study, exam or private leave).
You should received your login details when you started with us, to the email address you registered with us. If you have lost them, you can have a reminder sent to you. Open Intrepid on the internet and click on ‘Forgot your PIN or Password’ – type your email address and follow the instructions on screen. Your login credentials will then be emailed to you. If your login email does not match the email you enter, and you do not receive login credentials, email with your first name, surname, GMC/GDC number and preferred email address. Please put “Trainee Login Request” in the subject.
We added a number of rules into ‘Leave Manager Plus’ when we improved the system in August 2014. For example, if you are trying to submit a retrospective application (ie an activity that starts on the day you're applying or before), the system will not allow you to do so as retrospective applications are not permitted; this will show as there being "no approvers for the post and criteria selected". Also, if you try to apply for a course that costs more than your available budget, you won’t be able to apply for the full cost. You should only apply for the amount of money you have left (or less). The same applies to the number of days you have left.
In order to apply, you must first be in a post on Intrepid; your post must have Approvers (eg Rota Co-ordinator/JDA) recorded against it (otherwise the post will show as 'Closed') and finally your entitlement/budget must be recorded (you can check this in the Leave Entitlements section of your account).
If you suspect some of this has not been done, please contact HEE at
Placements are all managed by our Programmes Team; please contact the team on the appropriate address below:
- For doctors in Foundation programmes:
- For doctors in General Practice programmes:
- For all other trainees on East Midlands training programmes:
If your post is 'Closed', this means that Leave Approvers are not set up for this post. Usually this is simply because it is a new post number (Leave Approvers are attached to post numbers).
Please contact the HEE team ( who can investigate and set up the approvers as appropriate.
Once you've logged into your Leave Manager account (at, go to Leave Entitlements (under the LEAVE MANAGER tab on the left-hand side). Look for the current training year (this will normally be at the top of each section).
As a reminder, the study leave year runs from changeover date in August to the changeover date the following August except for programmes with nationally agreed start dates in September, where the leave year is September to September. This applies regardless of individual trainees’ progression dates.
There are two possibilities:
- You are attempting to submit a retrospective leave application; as per the CSL policy, all leave requests must be submitted prospectively.
- If you feel that you have mitigating circumstances that should be considered, please email us (
- If your leave request is prospective, please firstly check the dates you are requesting in case there is a typo (e.g. typing 2018 instead of 2019). If this does not resolve the issue, please email us ( as there may be an issue with your post number on Intrepid.
“Private” leave is for private exam revision, in the run-up to an exam. You’re entitled to a maximum of 5 Private leave days a year, and this comes out of your External entitlement. Please note that Foundation trainees cannot apply for Private leave, as exams are not part of the Foundation curriculum. Please note that you cannot apply for expenses for Private leave, as it must only be used for days when you are revising privately yourself (and therefore should not incur any costs).
“Exam” leave is for attending exams, and always comes out of your External entitlement.
“Study” leave is for everything else.
The expenses that can be claimed are those that appear in the drop-down when adding expenses; Course/Conference fees, mileage, public transport, accommodation and food. The rates at which these can be claimed are listed in Appendix D (page 17) of the policy. The policy (page 9) also outlines examples of unauthorised costs, such as examination fees and membership/subscription fees.
Please see the walkthrough video:
Please remember when adding expenses to Leave Manager to click ‘Add’ after entering every line of expenses (even the first one); expenses are not saved until and unless you click the button. To check that the expenses have saved when you’re applying, make sure that the expense appears as a line under Leave Expenses (instead of saying ‘No leave expenses claims have been made for this application’). This should ensure that your expenses save correctly, but if you find that they are still not saving after checking this, please let us know.
Please note that you cannot apply for expenses for Private leave, as Private leave must only be used for private exam revision (and as such will not incur expenses).
Expenses are marked as authorised when they are approved for payment by your Trust/Programme Office (see "How do I claim reimbursement of expenses?" later below). In order to claim expenses, only your leave request (with estimated expenses) needs to be approved
Cancelling leave requests should only be done when you are no longer planning to attend the activity you applied for.
Leave requests can no longer be edited once they have been submitted on Intrepid as they are under review/have been approved by your approvers on the basis of the information you have provided.
If there is something wrong with/missing from your leave request, please contact HEE ( with the details you need changing (including the breakdown of expenses, e.g. course fees, public transport, accommodation, mileage), and we can amend/add to your leave request as appropriate.
Cancelling leave requests should only be done when you are no longer planning to attend the activity you applied for. If there is something wrong with/missing from your leave request, please contact HEE (, and we can amend/add to your leave request as appropriate.
In order to cancel a leave request that you have submitted but you will no longer be attending the activity, please follow the below instructions:
- Login to your Leave Manager account (at
- Go to Leave Manager (under the LEAVE MANAGER tab)
- Click on the leave request that you want to cancel to open it
- Scroll to the bottom of the page
- Give a reason for the cancellation (this doesn't need to be lengthy or too detailed; it's just for your leave approvers' reference)
- Click Request Cancellation
Cancellations must be acknowledged by your leave approvers before they are released back to you. If you need the time/budget back urgently and your leave approvers are not responding, please contact HEE (
Cancelling leave requests should only be done when you are no longer planning to attend the activity you applied for. If there is something wrong with/missing from your leave request, please contact us, and we can amend/add to your leave request as appropriate.
To claim expenses from your CSL budget, you must have submitted a leave request with expenses on Intrepid.
For study leave taken over weekends, bank holidays and days when you would not otherwise be working you can either take time off in lieu or not declare those as time off in the application process (by entering 0 for study leave days when submitting the leave request). If you wish to take time in lieu, you must apply for the original leave date (on weekends/bank holidays/non-working days) prospectively on Intrepid. Arrangements for taking the time off in lieu should be discussed with employers prior to taking the initial study leave.
You can then include your expenses as normal before submitting your application.
Please remember when adding expenses to Leave Manager to click ‘Add’ after entering every line of expenses (even the first one); expenses are not saved until and unless you click the button. To check that the expenses have saved when you’re applying, make sure that the expense appears as a line under Leave Expenses (instead of saying ‘No leave expenses claims have been made for this application’).
As per the CSL policy, due to the requirements of the Leave Manager system, a budget must be set in order for expenses to be claimed. We have agreed an initial budget of £1000 will be added to all eligible doctors’ accounts for the 2019/20 training year as this is likely to exceed most doctors’ requirements. If you need your budget increasing, please follow the instructions on our dedicated page:
The rules have been created in the new system to reduce the number of people in approval chains, speed up approval times and provide more accuracy. These changes have improved the experience for trainees, and enables us to provide a better service to users. The changes made to Intrepid provide us with more time to proactively manage the overall system and provide service to users.
- As with annual leave Less Than Full-time Trainees (LTFT) receive study leave days pro-rata to a whole time trainee in any one calendar year. If the planned number of study leave days in any one year will exceed the entitlement available, this may be increased on a case-by-case basis subject to written (emailed to approval from your TPD/Head of School for specific activities (i.e. you must have a clear plan of how you will use your days, rather than just requesting an additional X days).
- If you are in clinical training in an East Midlands Trust post, you can access the uncapped budget regardless of being LTFT for as long as you are in that post.
- Trainees on maternity leave will receive a reduced entitlement for their maternity leave period.
- Trainees who start or complete their training part way through the study leave year will receive a pro-rata entitlement until the end of the leave year. This also applies to trainees who start in February.
- Entitlement to CSL ends once a trainee reaches CCT and trainees are not entitled to CSL during the Period of Grace.
- Trainees on Out of Programme Experience (OOPE), Out of Programme Research (OOPR) or Out of Programme Career Break (OOPC) are not entitled to CSL for the period they are out of programme. Trainees on Out of Programme Training (OOPT) are normally only entitled to CSL for this period if they are occupying a training post on a training programme in our region.
If your entitlement on Leave Manager does not match the figure on the policy, and you are not affected by any of the factors above, please contact us.
The study leave year runs from changeover date in August to the changeover date the following August except for programmes with nationally agreed start dates in September, where the leave year is September to September. Unused study leave entitlement (either days or money) cannot be carried forward to the next leave year.
In order to claim money from your study leave budget the following needs to happen
- You need to submit a study leave application on Intrepid Leave Manager in advance of the study leave taking place and you need to include estimated expenses in your application.
- Please remember when adding expenses to Leave Manager to click ‘Add’ after entering every line of expenses (even the first one); expenses are not saved until and unless you click the button.
- To check that the expenses have saved when you’re applying, make sure that the expense appears as a line under Leave Expenses (instead of saying ‘No leave expenses claims have been made for this application’).
- The application needs to be approved on Intrepid.
- After the study leave has taken place you need to follow your Trust’s/Programme Office’s process for claiming the expenses within 8 weeks.
- Please note that HEE do not pay expenses directly, and this is not done automatically by the Leave Manager system.
- If you are unsure of your Trust’s/Programme Office’s process, please contact your local CSL Coordinator/Programme Office (details on our website) who can support you appropriately.
- Please remember to submit your leave requests and expenses claims in an appropriate timeframe; forgetting this may prevent you claiming expenses, and exceptions will generally only be made for circumstances beyond your control.
The list of approved events will be displayed to you when you apply for leave on Intrepid. You can also see the full list on our website (
Trainee details are primarily managed by our Programmes Team; please contact the team on the appropriate address below:
- For doctors in Foundation programmes:
- For doctors in General Practice programmes:
- For all other trainees on East Midlands training programmes:
Open Intrepid on the internet: and click on ‘Forgot your PIN or Password’ – type your email address and follow the instructions on screen. Your login credentials will then be emailed to you. If your login email does not match the email you enter, and you do not receive login credentials, email with your Firstname, Surname, GMC/GDC number and preferred email. Put “Trainee Login Request” in the subject.
You will receive an automated email stating your application has been approved or declined. You will be able to monitor the progress of your request at any time on Intrepid. Where provided, approvers’ notes are recorded against their decisions – it is important you read these as there may be some important information for you.
You can also check the progress of your application at any time in the Leave Manager section of your account (under the LEAVE MANAGER tab).
Each organisation will have a Study Leave Co-ordinator. A full list can be found at the bottom of this page.
There are two possible reasons for this:
1. TPD/Head of School approval is only required for Exception applications; it's not required for Standard applications (i.e. curriculum required activities).
2. The Exception approver (TPD/Head of School) doesn't see leave requests until/unless it's been approved by the rota coordinator/JDA/practice manager/local equivalent. If your TPD/Head of School can't see your Exception request, it's worth checking that it's been approved by the rota coordinator/etc. first.
For reimbursement purposes, any online courses/rescources funded by the study leave budget can be evidenced by providing confirmation of enrollment or purchase.
In line with the CSL policy (and NHS Terms & Conditions of Service) you can claim the following expenses:
- Course/Conference fees
- Public transport (at standard rate)
- Mileage (at NHS Terms & Conditions of Service Reserve Rate)
- Parking (at standard rate)
- Overnight accommodation (in line with NHS Terms & Conditions of Service rates)
- Subsistence (in line with NHS Terms & Conditions of Service rates)
The rates (including links to the relevant NHS Employers pages for NHS Terms & Conditions of Service) are specified in the CSL policy.
No other expenses can be claimed through CSL as standard. Below are examples of excluded expenses, but the list is not exhaustive:
- Retrospective applications
- Examination fees
- Membership/subscription fees
- Credit card charges
- Conventions
- Ceremonies
- Equipment, incl. books
- Publication, abstract submission or printing costs
- Visas, application fees
- International travel, incl. flights
- Any costs where evidence of payment cannot be provided (i.e. receipts)
Please note that whether costs can be claimed or not is not affected by whether it is a standard (pre-approved) or Exception request; the above list applies regardless.
Yes; please refer to the Study Leave policy at the bottom of this page