New Model for Quality Management Visits Process
Stakeholder engagement to create a new model for the HEEM Quality Management Visits process
Recognising its changing responsibilities for both medical and non-medical education and training, over the last year HEEM has undertaken a fundamental review, involving more than 200 multi-professional stakeholders in designing a new process for the conduct, reporting and follow-up for HEEM’s quality management visits to local education providers. Not only do we now have a new model but our inclusive method of creating it has improved local relationships, effectiveness and buy-in through partnership, adult-to-adult dialogue and systematic evidencing of high quality processes and outcomes.
Together stakeholders created a vision, a set of key principles, a set of multi-professional training and education standards, a process for visit management, an annual assessment tool, a new style outcomes report and a balanced scorecard. Through a series of workshops, we explored strengths, good practice and innovation, acknowledging the importance that areas of concern are highlighted early so that key partners can manage them safely, quickly and effectively.
The involvement of a wide range of key stakeholders contributed to the energy and commitment to drive this agenda forward. By building a vision together, putting patients at the heart of the process and building on what currently works well, we created a process of change that everyone is positively engaged in and that demonstrates the highest possible quality for education and training in the East Midlands.
The new set of multi-professional education and training standards and the revised quality management visiting process is being launched during April 2014; five workshops are being delivered across the East Midlands to all the stakeholders who contributed to this quality improvement initiative. Implementation of the new process begins following the workshops.