Workforce, training and education
East Midlands


General Practice training - Resource Hub

The below resources, compiled by the East Midlands GP Educator Leads, are aimed at all GP postgraduate doctors in training to support with completion of the curriculum requirements including workplace based assessments, consultation skills, passing the mandatory exams and information geared towards settling into the NHS if you have joined the GP programme as an IMG. 

Introduction to the NHS and UK Culture

Electronic learning for health Induction for IMGs: we strongly suggest you look at this early in your programme. 

Guide on some of practical issues (e.g., opening bank account) and role of NHS/GPs etc

BMA Toolkit advising on first few weeks

Single Lead Employer IMG Toolkit Welcome Booklet and dedicated new starter hub: practical advice on actions needed to start work and settle in plus 

GMC Online workshop targeted towards those in first 12 months (includes ethical issues) 

The GMC duties of a doctor registered with the GMC and duties in the workplace

Understanding the NHS

Culture and Professionalism: reflections form IMGs on differences in working in the NHS

The NHS – Kings Fund video explain the role of various organisations.

Working with Colleagues

Communicating with people at different levels of the workplace hierarchy

Ensuring patient safety in communication with colleagues EDIT

Communication and Consultation skills

Series of short videos produced in East Midlands looking at consultation skills (introduction to consulting): Recommend for use with trainer or facilitator initially.


  • Video 1: Gold Minute, Open & Closed Questions.
  • Video 2: Ice, picking up on Cues.
  • Video 3: Information Gathering.
  • Video 4: Explaining the problem.
  • Video 5: Developing Shared Management.
  • Video 6: The entire consultation

  • Case 1 - reflux - not annotated
  • Case 2 blood in poo - not annotated
  • Case 3 contraception not annotated, long
  • Case 3 - contraception - annotated
  • Case 4 - tired all the time - not annotated
  • Case 5 - diabetes - not annotated
  • Case 6 - asthma - not annotated
  • Case 7 - high BP - not annotated
  • Case 8 - COPD - not annotated
  • Case 9 - headaches - not annotated
  • Case 10 - anxiety - not annotated
  • Case 11 - STI - not annotated
  • Case 12 - alcohol - not annotated

Other useful resources:

The Five Card Trick – a 16 min video on consultation skills

The Hourglass Approach – a 12 min video on consultation skills targeted towards RCA/CSA

Narrative Consulting – a 15 min video encouraging active listening in the consultation

Narrative Explanations - genetics case. Continues from above video

Multiple modules on communication skills from Greater Manchester Training Hub 

Shared Decision-making learning package from NICE – 6 online modules, taking about 4 hours in total: 

NHS England Local Resources

NHS England East Midlands: “New to NHS course”: workshops targeted towards registers with less than 12 months experience of NHS. Run by TPDs: and

PRIME - half day course concentrating on how to effectively use thw Workplace Based Assessments (WPBA) and Learning Log of your eportfolio which are essential parts of the MRCGP. It will also address support and resilience/wellbeing. This course is a pre-cursor to iTAP (see below).

iTAP – one day course offered for trainees identified as potentially needing extra support, involving role play, reflective practice, and giving/receiving feedback (by invitation only). Individual support targeted towards registrar's learning needs – involves simulated patients and feedback. Contact your ES.

Linguistic skills – individual sessions accessed via PSW or email

Coaching on communication skills - up to 8 hours per trainee. Access via PSW or email

A Perfect Day – one day course with simulators, looking at planning for and during the consultation, based on self-regulation theory. Contact your ES.

RCGP support and the RCGP exams

There are 3 components to examination: if you are unsuccessful in any of the below components may result in extension of training or eventual termination of training.

1. Workbase placed assessmentscontinuous assessment over the course of your training. Progress assessed by Clinical Supervisor, Educational Supervisor and at ARCP panel (annual review of competence progression). Assess all areas of curriculum. The Learning Log forms part of this assessment and provides the data for your Educational Supervisor reports and ARCP panel. Therefore, it is essential this is completed accurately and updated regularly. 

2. Applied knowledge test (AKT): Computer based knowledge exam usually taken during or after ST2 

3. Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA): assessment of consultation skills, taken in ST3

Cultural Aspects

Cultural Competence – series of 3 x20-30 min videos on understanding issues around culture and health


Street English – video by PD in West Midlands on use of language EDIT

Health issues

Trainees are expected to be registered with a UK Registered General Practitioner

NHS Practitioner Health – will support trainees with mental health issues and addiction issues. 

Occupational Health – provides advice on possible adjustments required and fitness to work and be accessed in training. Accessed by Single Lead Employer. 


British Dyslexia Association Website and has a screening tool called the adult checklist

  • Screening for Dyslexia - Speak to TPD if concerned
  • Local resource pack available. Please contact Ruth Norgain