HEE EM Education Bursaries
At this time, we have no Education Bursaries available. This website will be updated when/if these are available again. In the meantime, the below is archived information only.
The HEE East Midlands Educator Bursary awards are designed to support senior educators pursue a postgraduate certificate, or higher degree in (medical) education. They are a means by which we support educational innovation across our region.
Who can apply?
This award is open to all Educators from medical, nursing, midwifery and allied health professions.
How much is each award worth?
Each award is worth up to £3,000 towards the cost of a higher qualification in Education.
How to apply
Complete the application form in the menu on the right hand side of the page and email heem.bursaries@nhs.net. The closing date is 30 September 2016, after which a small panel of lay partners will assess each application form on its merits. The application form should be used to explain to the panel what the benefits of study will be for the individual, and for the east midlands healthcare community.
What happens next?
If you are successful we will remain in contact with you and will ask you to submit a brief report after 12-18 months. We’ll want to know if and how the award has helped you as an educator, and how you are using the learning within your trust, speciality school etc.
One final tip…
You will be more likely to be successful if you can show how you will use the award to impact the most learners across the region.