Lay Partners
Health Education East Midlands views the involvement of Lay Partners as central to improving the quality of education and training for all healthcare professionals in training.
Lay Partners act as critical friends to Health Education East Midlands by observing and advising on the processes of healthcare education and training across the East Midlands in order to deliver better training, leading to better patient care, outcomes and experiences.
Health Education East Midlands have worked in partnership with Lay Partners since 2010. In 2013, Health Education East Midlands extended the pool of Lay Partners through two successful recruitment campaigns ensuring our Lay Partners have diverse skills and experience.
Lay Partners are involved in a wide variety of activities to support Health Education East Midlands including:
• Recruitment and selection
• Annual Reviews of Competence Progression Panels (ARCPS)
• Appeals
• Quality Scrutiny Board
• Quality Management visits
• School Boards
Through this public and patient involvement, Health Education East Midlands are endeavouring to link the quality of patient care directly to the delivery of high quality education and training.
For more information, please contact:
Quotes from current Lay Partners
“As a member of the public and as a patient, I want to see doctors coming out of the training system fully competent and with a suitably patient-focused approach to their work. My own input to this is to bring an external perspective to the scrutiny of Health Education East Midlands’ processes and activities, whilst fully endorsing its core values. I see myself as a critical friend, able to ask the questions insiders may overlook and to criticise where necessary without fear or favour. For me, the role of lay partner helps exercise my analytical faculties, enables me to do something useful, and means I get to work with some truly inspiring professionals”
- Lay Partner
“The NHS does fantastic work every day but we should never stop trying to make services better for patients. I hope that by being part of the process in the training of trainees I help to ensure that they all get the best opportunities and support without patient safety being compromised, thus ensuring patients get the right treatment at the right time.”
- Lay Partner