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LNR Specialised Foundation Programme - Job Descriptions and Programmes
The job descriptions for the Specialised Foundation Programmes available in the Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland (LNR) Foundation School can be downloaded using the hyperlink at the top of the table below. Also, a link to the East Midlands Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care website, can be found in the useful links section at the bottom of the page. The Specialised Foundation Programme data can be viewed via the Oriel website (
Please note that you must apply and preference your choice of academic post at the Specialised Foundation recruitment process but if you decide in F1 to change your academic slot the Academic school will facilitate this process. By applying for a particular post you will secure that post in F2 and changing post at F1 is subject to post availability.
The Academic component of these posts will comprise either a 4 month dedicated block of time for academic endeavours or a regular weekly commitment to academia. The academic component is always "ring fenced" and kept separate from clinical commitments ensuring the academic Foundation Year 2 doctor enjoys their academic time without encroachment from clinical duties. The University of Leicester and The University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust are able to support academic FY2 doctors explore all facets of academic practice from basic bench science through to translational clinical research, medical education and development of clinical leadership and management skills. All Leicester academic Foundation doctors are able to change their research/leadership theme and supervisor from a list of University-approved researchers/educators and leaders while an FY1 subject to availability. You cannot change from research to leadership or vice versa and if you preferenced a research rotation with two 6 month placements you may not be able to move to a three x 4 month rotation or vice versa. Please visit the University Academic Foundation pages to see the programmes available by clicking here.
We are continually adding to the list of research themes and if your preferred academic area is not represented please contact the leads for Academic training and they will ensure you are put in contact with the academics best suited to support your interests.
The University of Leicester has an excellent track record of supporting academic Foundation doctors make the transition into NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowships across the full range of clinical specialties. There is a 2 year rolling academic training programme delivered by the Academic School to all academic Foundation doctors across the East Midlands and all academic Foundation doctors have access to an academic bursary fund to support them to present their work at scientific meetings.
If you have any questions regarding the academic Foundation posts please contact:
Professor Jonathan Barratt PhD FRCP
The Mayer Professor of Renal Medicine
Department of Infection, Immunity & Inflammation, University of Leicester
Honorary Consultant Nephrologist
John Walls Renal Unit, Leicester General Hospital
Head of the Postgraduate Specialty School of Clinical Academic Training
Health Education East Midlands
Professor Matt Bown MD FRCS
Professor of Vascular Surgery
Department of Cardiovascular Sciences
Honorary Consultant Vascular Surgeon
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Director of Integrated Clinical Academic Training
University of Leicester
LNR Specialised Foundation Programme Job Descriptions
Useful Links
Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care - East Midlands