Workforce, training and education
East Midlands



Updated Occupational Medicine Curriculum - August 2022

A new curriculum in Occupational Medicine was approved by the GMC and came into effect in August 2022. Further information about the curriculum, it's implementation and FAQ can be found on the Faculty of Occupational Medicine's website. Further guidance on how it applies to the ARCP process is linked below. 


The ARCP Process

Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) is the process that all doctors within a training programme undertake at least annually to review whether they are making satisfactory progress towards the curriculum requirements in their specialty. The ARCP process is governed by and detailed in the Gold Guide:


All ARCPs in Occupational Medicine in England, except for military Resident Doctors (RDs), are organised and performed by the National School of Occupational Health (NSOH). Since 2019, all ARCPs have taken place virtually following the introduction of the e-portfolio system. ARCPs are undertaken in absentia i.e. the RD is not present when the panel review their evidence. However, doctors are offered a choice to attend the ARCP remotely should they wish. Occasionally the Panel may invite a doctor to attend. 

ARCPs are organised throughout the year with the main panels taking place in the summer and the winter.

The NSOH maintains a checklist of evidence required for each ARCP, the current version (last updated March 2022) is available below. 

All ARCP evidence should be completed on the e-portfolio at least 2 weeks prior to the ARCP date. In 2021, electronic versions of the Form R, MSF, and the educational supervisor report were introduced on the e-portfolio. It is expected that these will be used by all trainees rather than the PDF versions.

ARCPs should take place at least every 12 months for all trainees, regardless of whether they work full time or less than full time. The exception is for those on maternity leave or sick leave. If you work less than full time, you should submit pro rata WPBAs for the percentage you work (see the ARCP checklist for further information).

At your ARCP, the panel of experienced educators will review the evidence you have submitted on the e-portfolio and provide feedback via the ARCP form on e-portfolio regarding your progress.

If you have any questions about the ARCP process or believe you are due an ARCP, please contact the NSOH:

Transfer of training post for OM PGDiT

Transfer of training post for OM Resident Doctor

It is possible to transfer your training to a different GMC accredited OM education provider however the details of the process depends on the circumstances as below:

  • NHS to NHS


  • if the destination post is within the same NHSE region of your current post and not part of a established rotation, you need to discuss and agree with clinical supervisors of both posts as well as the ESs and the local TPD. The process in terms of employment / HR and NHSE will be decided locally.
  • if the destination post is in a different NHSE region than your current post, then you should follow the inter-deanery process (IDT)

 [Inter-Deanery Transfers (IDT) | Medical Education Hub (]


  • NHS to non - NHS

Regardless of the location of the destination and current post, this is NOT an inter-deanery transfer (IDT) . You must resign from your NHS post and then be employed by the company in their training post. The process of acquiring employment with the company is dictated by them and outwith NSOH or NHSE remit. However, you must ensure that the destination post is a GMC approved training post. that the educational supervisor is a recognised GMC accredited trainer. If you are in doubt, you should contact NSOH to confirm if the destination post is approved.

if there is gap of more than 2 weeks between leaving your NHS training post and starting your non-NHS training, it may affect your CCT depending on the circumstances. i.e., additional time will be required then your current CCT date.

It is unlikely that you need to attend benchmarking interview however it depends on the circumstances.


  • Non - NHS to non - NHS

Regardless of the location of the destination and current post, this is NOT an IDT. This is effectively change of employment and you should follow the process of leaving one employer and joining another as defined by the respective companies. Again, you must ensure that the destination post is a GMC approved training post/trainer.


It is imperative that you discuss your intention well in advance with your ES and TPD and if needed with national TPD and the Head of School before you take any action. This will prevent any unnecessary hold ups in the transfer.

Once the transition is completed you should contact NSOH and FOM to update your records. Also don't forget to update your e-portfolio with a change of educational supervisor and educational training site