Workforce, training and education
East Midlands

The Approval and Re-Approval Visit

The Approval visit documentation is used in these cases and the format of the visit is described below.

The Approval Visit format is also used in a practice where there is already an Educational Supervisor and another GP is applying to become an Educational Supervisor for the first time; in this case there may be a specialty registrar already in the practice at the time of the visit. The Re-approval visit follows a very similar pattern to the Approval visit - but there will be a registrar to interview and real evidence of teaching and learning to examine.

These documents may be helpful with this and can be found here:

Who will be coming?

  • THE LEAD VISITOR - usually a Deputy GP Dean, Associate Postgraduate Dean or Programme Director
  • THE EDUCATIONAL SUPERVISOR VISITOR - A Programme Director or experienced Educational Supervisor from another practice
  • THE PRACTICE MANAGER VISITOR - an experienced practice manager from one of our training practices

The visiting team will meet with the Educational Supervisor and Practice Manager initially. They will then have some time to themselves to discuss arrangements for how the visit will proceed. 

The timetable for the visit will be discussed with the Educational Supervisor and the Practice Manager to check for suitability. The visit will begin with a tour of the premises and then the team will split up to examine individual aspects of the practice; they meet later to compare notes.  The visitors think it important to meet the other partners early in the visit e.g. during the tour - and the practice should suggest when this could best be fitted in.

Teaching Review Process

What will the visitors need?


  • Where the visiting team can meet on arrival and where they can present their findings to the Educational Supervisor and the team.
  • For the Lead Visitor to have meetings with Educational Supervisor
  • For the Educational Supervisor Visitor to meet with the GPStR
  • For the managers to meet
  • A desk and computer access in one of the offices


  • The practice manager should be available to meet with the visiting manager
  • The current registrar should be available to meet with members(s) of the visiting team

Access to documents

  • Each member of the visiting team will take a section of the training criteria and will need to see documentary evidence of how the practice is meeting the criteria.

Who does what?

Lead visitor  

Meets with the Educational Supervisor to discuss the Educational Supervisor as a doctor and teacher and the training programme. Evidence that should be available:

  • The Educational Supervisors PDP                                                                          
  • Educational Plan for current & last registrar [or if no registrar in place then an outline of the proposed plan]
  • Training records for current and last registrar  [or if no registrar in place then an outline of the proposed plan for training records]
  • Registrar timetable                                                                          
  • Examples of teaching materials                                                     
  • Record of current and last registrars' OOH experience (where available)

Educational Supervisor Visitor

Examines evidence of integrity of practice systems relating to clinical activity and may see the trainee

  • Clinical protocols                                                                           
  • Practice formulary & prescribing audits (last year)                                  
  • Clinical & clinical governance guidelines (last year)        
  • All practice audits carried out in last 2y (inc registrar audits if appropriate)
  • Registrar Guide                                                                    
  • Library and catalogue

Visiting Manager 

Meets with the Practice Manager and discusses the organisation of the practice in areas as set out in the criteria. The following documentary evidence should be available.

  • Protocols and policies for daily running                                         
  • Evidence of active Audit Programme [and any admin audits done in the last 2-years)                                                                      
  • Controlled Drug Book (if applicable)                                                         
  • Minutes of meetings: PHCT; Practice Team; Significant Event 
  • Evidence of business/partnership meetings open to registrar   
  • Employment policies
  • Patient Group Directives for Nursing Team
  • Evidence of Equal Opportunities Statements
  • Evidence of Health & Safety
  • QOF evidence
  • An approved patient satisfaction survey