Interested in becoming an Educational Supervisor
In the NHSE (East Midlands), from 1st April 2025 all educators will be trained to educational supervisor level (ES). Details about the routes to train as an Educational Supervisor can be found on this page.
Educational Supervisor Training.
We are pleased to announce that from January 2025 a third route to becoming an educational supervisor (ES) is now offered. This route runs alongside the PG Cert course but with no assessment required.
The ES training course will consist of 5 days in total, split into two modules of 2.5 days each. There will be two cohorts a year with one being January & April and the other being Sept & January. You must be able to attend all the dates. Spaces are limited and will be offered on a first come, first served basis, with a waiting list in place.
Currently, the PG Certificate in Clinical Education (PG Cert) will remain an option for potential ES who wish to complete it, and those who have an interest or a role within medical education. The PG Cert is run in collaboration with Nottingham Trent University. There are two modules -three days of teaching each module. For each module one day is F2F and two days are teams (with cameras on and participating). As above there will be two cohorts a year with one being January & April and the other being Sept & January. The teaching is delivered by experienced medical educators using a mix of small group and big group teaching.
Clinical Supervisor to Educational Supervisor Conversion Course
An alternative route to ES is for experienced GP clinical supervisors (CS) to convert to ES. You must have been an active CS for a minimum of three years in a training practice, or five years in a non-training practice to apply. There is a small portfolio of evidence required on applying and a bit of homework post course.
ES Approval (see below for more info)
Following completion of any ES Course there will be an approval process, with the support of your local training programme. This process consists of completing some documentation demonstrating how you and the practice will support those in GP training/Foundation training to progress successfully. Once approved the supervisor's GMC registration is annotated as an educator for a period of 5 years.
Eligibility to train
To be eligible to apply for any route you must be working a minimum of four clinical sessions in a GP practice, either one which is already a training practice or in one which will support you and become an approved training practice and increase/maintain training capacity.
To register your interest and find out more please contact
Please expect to discuss the following;
Whether or not you are in an existing GP or Foundation training practice this will help us to assess the amount of preparation that you will need to undertake to become an ES/training practice.
Discuss what CPD activities you have undertaken or plan to undertake to develop your skills as an ES and how these fit in with your PDP.
Direct you towards your local GP Training Programme Director team (if you have not already been in contact) - this is to ensure that your local GP Training Programme Director team is aware of your intentions, talk to you about your plans - their support for your application is essential and they will also consider local need for new ES. Invite you to local educators meetings and add you to e-mail circulation list and otherwise begin to get you involved in the world of medical education. (You should begin to attend educator meetings /workshops at least 3 months before you plan to undertake an ES course.
Ensure that you have the full support of the wider practice to become an ES/training practice.
You must be working a minimum of 4 sessions within an already approved learning environment, or one which is seeking approval imminently to be eligible for the course.
Possibilities related to you becoming a supervisor of Foundation doctors in GP.
For those wishing to pursue the PG Cert - The time commitment and level of study required to satisfactorily complete the course.
The Post Graduate Certificate in Clinical Education
Read the Information about the PG Cert on our website. - PG Certificate in Clinical Education | Health Education England East Midlands
Practice approval process for training
The informal approval visit is currently carried out by a NHSE (East Midlands) representative again and normally lasts between 1 and 2 hours. It is a formative assessment intended to identify areas for development/action. You can read about the assessment criteria here. A decision will be made at this visit about whether to proceed to formal approval.
The formal approval visit (virtual in most cases)
This is a half day process at which the NHSE (East Midlands) representatives will be;
A lead visitor - normally an Associate Post Graduate Dean (APD), a Training Programme Director (TPD) or the Education Advisor.
A Training Programme Director or experienced ES from another practice.
To be approved as an ES there must have been recent peer review of teaching. This would not normally be done at the approval visit and therefore could have been at:
Your local educator’s group
By your GP Training Programme Director
By another experienced ES
These documents may be helpful with this and can be found here:
Teaching Review Checklist
Teaching Review Checklist Grid
Teaching Review Process
Peer Review of Teaching Form
GMC Annotation - The ES Course and PG Cert meets the GMC criteria for training and those that complete it and have a successful approval of their practice as a suitable learning environment will have their GMC registration annotated as an educator which means you can be an ES.
Becoming a GP Clinical Supervisor for Foundation Doctor Trainees
If you are interested in clinically supervising Foundation trainees on a placement in GP, and are already an ES you can complete the refresher training to equip you with the skills to undertake supervised learning events and manage the Horus portfolio.
Hear what it’s like to be a clinical supervisor for a Foundation Doctor.
Hear what F2 enjoy about their GP placement.
Keeping up to date as an educator.
Your educator role should form part of your annual appraisal and you should undertake CPD to keep updated and current. Please ensure you are on the mailing list with your local training programme and the foundation programme (if appropriate) so that you receive information and invites to educator events, including workshops and conferences. Attendance at Annual Review of Competencey & Progression panels (ARCP Panels) is also importent - please contact your local training porgramme for more information.
Supervisor Refresher Training for existing CS & ES will continue to be offered online three times a year. The morning is for GP training and covers workplace-based assessments and the 14Fish portfolio. The afternoon covers Foundation Training – supervised learning events and the Horus portfolio.
Please see below for details of how to book your chose date via Accent Course Manager. You must be working a minimum of 4 sessions as an existing ES or CS to be eligible for the course. Please do not share links to the course with other GPs – all attendees must book on via Accent Course Manager to control course numbers and provide some governance. Attendance certificates can be found on your Accent Course Manager account after completion of your course evaluation.
- Dates - Morning for those supervising those in GP Training, Afternoon for those supervising Foundation (FY2) Doctors
- Tues 13th May 2025
- Tues 9th Dec 2025
- Tues 10th Feb 2026
Please do not share links to the course with other GPs – all attendees must book on via Accent Course Manager to control course numbers and provide some governance.
Attendnace certificates can be found on your Accent Course Manager account after completion of your course evaluation.
2025 - last dates for the CS Course dates before it finishes in March '25
Tuesday 18 February 2025 - CS Training Part 2 (AM GP Specialty, PM Foundation)
Tuesday 04 March 2025 - CS Training Part 1 - covers generic CS skills (feedback, educational theory, dealing with issues etc)
Tuesday 18 March 2025 - CS Training Part 2 (AM GP Specialty, PM Foundation)
To book a place on any of the above sessions, please do this via Accent Course Manager. If the session does not appear on course manager it is full – sorry.
You will be sent a link to join the online session the week before your booked session(s) via microsoft teams and so you will need access to a computer with a webcam, speakers and microphone.
Lincolnshire Clinical Supervisors’ Course
The Lincolnshire clinical supervisors’ course is held annually, usually at the end of March. The course covers those interested in supervising a range of trainees within the Lincolnshire area:
Resident Doctors both in-practice and in out-of-hours (OOH) setting, internationally recruited doctors and foundation doctors. The course aims to endow the novice teacher with the fundamentals of teaching and is a skills-based course that focuses on experiential learning. The course caters for different educational roles of clinical supervision. Email for more information.