Forensic Psychiatry
The East Midlands region is home of the one of England’s 3 national high secure psychiatric hospitals, giving trainees excellent insight and training across the breadth of forensic services.
Trainees are supported to engage in medicolegal work by their Clinical Supervisor in order to meet the required curriculum competencies. Consequently, trainees have the opportunity to attend court as an expert witness.
Trainees are actively encouraged to make use of a half-day per week of special interest time. This is dedicated and protected time for the trainee to engage in an area of interest to them. Some trainees choose to further explore clinical interests outside of the usual training program (such as forensic CAMHS, neuropsychiatry, psychotherapy, and medical education). Others chose to engage in further study, such as a Masters in Medical Law, leadership training or teaching qualifications.
Furthermore trainees are encouraged to attend relevant conferences and training courses such HCR-20, IPDE and PCL
Training scheme:
There are 10 forensic psychiatry higher training posts within the region.
Training placements are divided between low, medium and high secure hospitals, prison mental health teams and community forensic services. Though an overview of all areas is required, there is flexibility within the training program to cater to individual areas of interest. Trainees wishes are taken into account when allocated to placements.
Trainees will generally spend one year at Arnold Lodge, medium secure service; a year within a low secure/community placement and at least 6 months at Rampton High Secure Hospital. Significant prison exposure is encouraged; as a minimum trainee spend the equivalent of 1 day per week for 6 months in a prison setting.
In order to assist trainees to achieve their psychotherapy competencies, trainees have the opportunity to attend a Forensic Balint group, facilitated by a Forensic Psychiatrist trained in Forensic Psychotherapy.
Local education provider Trusts:
Nottinghamshire Healthcare (including Arnold Lodge, Wells Road Centre, Rampton Hospital)
Derbyshire Healthcare (including The Kedleston Unit)
Academic programme provision:
Some example training sessions from this academic year are:
An insight into Forensic CAMHS
Medicolegal Experience
Forensic services for deaf patients
Peer CBD discussions
Risk assessment
Stalking clinic
In pre-covid times, trainees have travelled to numerous places for immersive teaching sessions, such as attending the Old Bailey, the Ministry of Justice and having joint training sessions Forensic Trainees from other deaneries.
Research opportunities:
Trainees may use their special interest sessions to focus on research interests.
Several Consultants within the region are actively and regularly engaged within research and keen to support trainees.
The Institute of Mental Health, based in Nottingham, is a local hub for research and offers many opportunities.
Relevant contacts are:
Dr Simon Gibbon
Dr John Tully
Leadership Programmes or opportunities:
There are many opportunities within the program for developing leadership skills both within the clinical role and more widely. Clinically, trainees are encouraged to become increasingly independent decision-makers, and to build skills in leading the clinical team.
Trainees are encouraged to attend courses and conferences to improve their skills as leaders. Some trainees choose to use some of their special interest time to work towards qualifications in leadership.
Name of the TPD |
Dr Rebecca O’Donovan, Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist Picture of the TPD |
Name of trainee Reps |
Dr Emma McPhail, ST4 in Forensic Psychiatry |