Workforce, training and education
East Midlands


Please note that the ARCP (Annual Review of Competence Progression) process for specialty training is governed by the Gold Guide. Below is our local administrative guidance to assist trainee and educator interaction with this process; however it is advisable to consult the Gold Guide in addition to this advice.

ARCP panel Outcomes:

  • Outcome 1 : Satisfactory Progress
  • Outcome 2 : Development of specific competencies required - additional training time not required.
  • Outcome 3 : Inadequate Progress - additional training time required.
  • Outcome 4 : Released from training.
  • Outcome 5: Incomplete evidence presented.
  • Outcome 6: Gained all required competences - will be recommended as having completed the training programme and for award of a CCT
  • Outcome 8 : Out of Programme (career break, sick leave, maternity etc.) 

Please refer to the Gold Guide for a full explanation of the outcomes.

Educational Supervisor Reports (ESRs), determining Review Dates and ARCP preparation:

  • The RCGP (Royal College of General Practitioners) advises that Educational Supervisor Reports (ESR) should take place every six months. This is regardless if the training is full time or Less Than Full Time (LTFT).
  • ESRs will either be interim (iESRs) or Full ESRs - the latter is needed for ESRs completed in the lead up to an upcoming ARCP panel. See further guidance here:
  • Resident Doctors (RDs) are required to have a Full ESR reviewed by an ARCP panel after completing 12-calendar months in training. This is regardless if the training is full time or less than full time.
  • The ESR cannot be more than two months before the date of the panel on which the ESR will be reviewed. The date of the ESR is taken as the date the Educational Supervisor (ES) has signed the ESR.
  • ESRs must be completed, signed and viewable to NHSE at least two weeks before the ARCP panel review.
  • If LTFT, trainees are required to be reviewed by a panel annually (12 calendar months in training).
  • If an ES requires a RD to be reviewed by an ARCP panel earlier than their annual review, they should discuss this with the appropriate Programme Director. The Programme Director must make the referral to the ARCP panel (see below)


Form R Part B and Time out of Training (TOOT) information:

  • As well as an up to date ESR, the ARCP panel will require a completed Form R Part B where RDs must declare any significant events and any absence from training (Time out of Training or TOOT). TOOT can impact the CCT date therefore it is important that RDs keep a record of the exact dates of absence and include include this in the Form R.
  • There is a also a feature on the FourteenFish eportfolio where RDs should self-declare their absence dates and ensure this matches their Posts/Stages of Training. Any discrepancies on the Posts/Stages of Training should be flagged to the Programme Manager.


Finishing Training and CCT:

  • The earliest an ARCP panel can issue an Outcome 6 is normally the 34th month (FTE) of training. The ARCP panel can normally only recommend an Outcome 6 when ALL the training requirements have been met and the RD has demonstrated that they have gained all the required competencies.
  • If LTFT, the final panel date needs to be determined in agreement with the Locality Programme and NHSE Education East Midlands. Failure to notify the GP Regulation and Progression Team (formerly Assessments Team) of a projected end date of training may lead to a delay in attaining CCT.
  • Once an Outcome 6 has been issued by an ARCP panel and signed off, the RCGP will process the CCT application. This will involve detailed checks of the accuracy of the CCT date. 
  • Once a recommendation has been made by the RCGP to the GMC it may take between 2 – 4 weeks (off peak) or 4 – 6 weeks (summer peak) to receive the CCT.



  • Administrative changes: post details, ES/CS details can be made by your Local Programme Manager. 
  • Technical or account based issues with the portfolio are dealt with by the FourteenFish Helpdesk at



Revalidation for RDs currently occurs around the time of CCT, but evidence for this process is gathered every year in conjunction with the ARCP process. RDs must submit a Form R self-declaration (Part B) upon request from the Regulation and Progression Team (formerly Assessments & Revalidation) prior to each ARCP. This is submitted via the TIS Self Service: Failure to do so will incur an Outcome 5 at the ARCP panel. We also recommend that they upload a PDF copy of this submission to their eportfolio.

If RDs are aware of any serious clinical or professional issues, complaints or investigations in which they have been involved since the submission of their previous Form R self-declaration, they must submit a new Form R part B to the Team as soon as possible. This should be done before the next ARCP.

See the following page for more information about Revalidation: here

Notes for Educators:

Referral to ARCP panel because of concerns.

If a GP RD is required to be reviewed by an ARCP panel because of concerns about educational progress, then a Central Panel referral form must be completed by a Programme Director after discussion with the Educational Supervisor. A discussion must take place with the GP RD explaining that they may get an unsatisfactory outcome from the ARCP panel, the summary of this discussion should be recorded in the Educator Notes.

Participating in a Panel (virtual attendance)

GP ARCP panels run on a monthly basis and rely on the support of local educators. There is a requirement to attend at least one ARCP panel in each ES reapproval cycle. This will contribute to Trainer CPD as well as enhance the integration of RD ESRs. No formal training or preparation is required to sit on an ARCP panel – the Panel Chairs give a full briefing on the panel's remit and aims before the panel begins. To sit as a panel member you must be a GMC registered East Midlands Educational Supervisor and have up to date Equality and Diversity training.

Please contact if you are interested in attending an ARCP panel. Please note we are always seeking Panel Members to help achieve quoracy - any support from trainers attending ARCP panels would be welcomed.

Any issues

We appreciate that training and training programmes do not always progress as anticipated. If there any issues please contact the GP Regulation and Progression (formerly Assessments Team) sooner rather than later.