Informing Your Career Choices
Workshop for trainees across the Midlands & East
A FREE workshop specifically designed for any doctor in training in the Midlands & East Region who may be uncertain about their career direction and would like the opportunity to meet others in similar situations and to discover a way to plan and move your career forward.
You would like:
- Space and time to think about what you really want from your career.
- A clearer focus about your future career, in or outside medicine.
- A supportive environment in which to explore how personal circumstances may be impacting upon your medical career.
The workshop is aimed at those who may be considering a career outside medicine, who may be unsure of their career direction, considering a change of specialty or have personal circumstance affecting their training.
Please note the workshop won't offer specialty specific information but will explore methods and ways of finding such information.
One workshop in each of the three regions, but trainees can book onto whichever session is more suitable.
"Very insightful, thought provoking and challenged me to think about my future career"
"Motivated me to think about my career progression and to achieve my goals"
WORKSHOP DATES: 2020 dates to be confirmed