Workforce, training and education
East Midlands

SuppoRTT for Doctors in Training: what we offer

whatweoffer.jpgWe can offer the following which can be undertaken during your absence or on your return to training:

  • SuppoRTT online training courses for resident doctors in training and trainers (see Accent Course Manager for booking) - details of our next round of courses can be found here
  • Funding for external courses directly related to your return to training  - This funding is currently under review, please contact the SuppoRTT Team directly regarding funding for external courses at
  • Access to speciality specific or trust based generic clinical refresh courses
  • Access to coaching
  • Referral to Occupational health
  • Digital resources – including SuppoRTT Webinars, Podcasts and VR scenarios, which can be found here 

Click below or email for further information.  We also have a SuppoRTT Leaflet which is regularly updated 

We are part of the Professional Support & Wellbeing (PSW) Service and doctors returning to training after a period of sustained absence may also benefit from the wider support offered for example, exam and study support, coaching, counselling and more. Click here for details or contact