Workforce, training and education
East Midlands

Frequently asked questions

Please click on the headings below.


How and when can I contact the Professional Support and Wellbeing Service?

We are available Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm as core office hours. Messages can be left outside these times and we aim to respond to your enquiry as soon as possible. See our contact us page for further details.

How can the Professional Support and Wellbeing Service help doctors in training?

Click here to find out what support is available to doctors in training

Click here for details of how to access our support services through self-referral.

How can the Professional Support and Wellbeing Service help trainers?

The PSW service can assist trainers in early identifying and supporting individual training doctors needs which may be outside the training programme’s remit or the trainer's expertise. The PSW team also have access to advice from the local medically trained Associate Postgraduate Deans which can be helpful in supporting trainees with enhanced needs.

The PSW team aims to work together with doctors in training and their trainers to explore concerns with performance and progression and implement early intervention strategies for support. The involvement of the trainer may help the doctor to feel supported at work and within their training programme. For support to be effective, it is helpful if trainers work with the PSW team in providing constructive, coordinated feedback and progress updates when requested.

Click here to find out what support is available to doctors in training

Click here for details of how to refer a doctor in training to our support services.

I’ve been referred to the PSW but I don’t agree with being referred to your service

There is often a misconception that doctors in training are referred to the PSW as punitive action. This is far from the truth, the PSW service is set up to give doctors the optimum chance to succeed in their training and we have supported many doctors to manage hurdles in their personal and professional lives that has impacted their progression and helped them get back on track. If you are unsure if PSW support is right for you we would encourage you to have an initial appointment with your Case Manager to find out more about the support available. You then have the autonomy to decide if the support is going to be beneficial to you at this time.

Is the support free or do I have to pay?

All of our core support packages are at no cost to the doctor in training. However if you would like additional sessions or support to that initially agreed with the Case Manager, there may then be a cost involved. 

Please note where you cancel a session with a provider with less than 24 hours notice, the PSW team are still charged. This is a cost to our NHS just as a missed hospital or doctor’s appointment would be.

Is the service confidential?

The PSW aims to protect confidentiality as much as possible. However, if we have any concerns about self-harm or harm to others, we are obliged to take advice from our Associate Postgraduate Deans and may need to share the concerns with the relevant training programme. We also share a brief report with ARCP panels and summary information with your supervisor. This information will not contain full details but will generally outline the nature of the support a doctor has accessed, dates of sessions accessed and a brief reason why the support has been offered e.g. for time management or due to a personal event at home.   

All doctors in training are required to sign the referral agreement before pursuing any support. This agreement can be found at the bottom of our referral assessment form.

I work outside the East Midlands but I've trained here previously, can I access your service?

We are only able to offer services to doctors in training who hold a national training number within the East Midlands region. There are other equivalent NHSE support services based around the country.

Where is the Professional Support Support and Wellbeing Service based?

The PSW team for the East Midlands are based in the NHSE office in Leicester. However, Case Managers will arrange to speak to doctors in training over the telephone for their initial conversation. In exceptional situations doctors may request for their initial conversation to be face-to-face.

What is the background of team members that make up the Professional Support and Wellbeing service?

The PSW team are not doctors or dentists; they are however experienced in working with postgraduate doctors in training and understanding the training journey across various training specialisms.

Members of the team have attended a variety of courses and have a range of accreditations including Case Management, Mental Health Awareness, Bereavement and Loss, Cultural Awareness, Dyslexia Awareness, Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence, Psychology and Coaching.

Career advice

The PSW team cannot help with career advice.

Click here for the careers self-referral form, once completed a member of the Careers team will be in touch to discuss your circumstances.

You can also visit the national careers service website or contact the East Midlands careers team.