Become a Careers Champion
Signing up is easy - just head over to our sign-up form at and enter your details.
We just need your name, email address, current stage of training, what specialty you work in and where you work. We also ask if you have ever worked abroad, had a career break, train (or previously trained) less than full time, or had an out of programme experience. Finally, there's an opportunity for you to enter a short biography. These bios can include anything about your professional interests or career development, where you work, your training route, whether you've changed specialty, etc.
There's documentation attached to this page for more details, and some common questions are answered below. If you have any other questions or comments please feel free to get in touch via email:
Can I see details of current Careers Champions before I sign-up?
Yes, have a look at our list by signing up to the "Guide to Applications and Interviews" careers module on the VLE (you'll need to be an East Midlands trainee registered with the East Midlands VLE)
Do I get a certificate?
Yes, you'll get an annual certificate of participation.
I haven't been contacted yet, what's wrong with me?
Nothing! Could be your specialty, location or training guide don't quite match what trainees have looked for... yet! Take a look at the list and see if your details are correct and up to date, also consider updating your Bio to include interesting and useful information about yourself and your career - that may help to encourage trainees to contact you! If you need to amend anything on your details let us know via email:
I have been contacted too many times, what's wrong with me?
Nothing! You might just have a good mix of specialty, grade, location, career history and a good bio. If you feel you have had too many contacts and would like to take your name off the list (temporarily or permanently) just drop us an email:
Can I take myself off the list temporarily?
Yes! People come off the list for all sorts of reasons - maternity or paternity leave, working abroad, etc. If you want your details removed temporarily get in touch:
Can I take myself off the list permanently?
Yes! Being a Careers Champion is completely voluntary and if you no longer wish to participate for any reason let us know and we'll take your details off the list.