Workforce, training and education
East Midlands

Career Workshops

Careers Workshop for F1 Doctors - "Your Career, Your Life, Your Direction"

A whole day out of F1 during February or March to take a constructive look at career planning and decision making with plenty of resources and signposting so that you can make more of the opportunities available to you.

Click here for more information...

Careers Workshop for F2 Doctors - The Essential Guide to Specialty Applications and Interviews

Offered during September & October of your F2 year these trust-led workshops offer you a chance to gain insight into - and prepare for - specialty applications and interviews.

Click here for more information...

Workshops for any doctor in training in the Midlands & East Region - Informing Your Career Choices

This workshop is for doctors at any stage of their training who may be uncertain about their career direction and would like the opportunity to meet others in similar situations and to discover a way to plan and move their career forward.

Click here for more information...

Other Workshops & Careers Events

There may also be career events hosted by the region's foundation or specialty schools, Royal Colleges or other organisations.

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