Workforce, training and education
East Midlands

Supporting our Doctors in training with a Disability

Defining 'Disability'

We fully recognise that the majority of doctors in training with long-term health conditions, quite reasonably will not consider themselves as being disabled. Indeed, some doctors in training will have episodes of short-lived symptoms which may need temporary short-term adjustments. The support process however is available to all who have health conditions which might impact on their training so whether you have a long-term condition or a short term illness that might require some temporary adjustments, we want you to know that we are committed to assist you if we can. We have developed guidance for trainers and doctors in training to help support progression in training for those with a disability which can be accessed below. Our guidance is aimed at doctors in training who are defined to have a disability as per equality legislation and the GMC's ‘Welcomed and valued’ publication (2019)

Development of the guidance

We have been mindful to align our guidance with the GMC's ‘Welcomed and valued’ publication (2019). This publication describes how relevant public bodies and organisations relating to medical and dental training (medical education providers and organisers, medical school staff, postgraduate training organisations, local education providers, employers and royal colleges/faculties) might consider how best to support medical students and doctors in training with a disability. We have been working with doctors who are training with a disability as well as held parallel sessions with the GMC at the Developing Excellence in Medical Education Conference (DEMEC) in 2019, both of which have assisted us in the ongoing development of our guidance. 

Guidance for doctors in training with a neurodiverse condition: NEW

More recently we have developed additional guidance (see document links below) for educators and doctors in training to support doctors and dentists who have been diagnosed with a neurodiverse condition. 

Features of our support:

Initially we have been piloting this support across East Midlands and we are still gauging what the demand for such support will be. But we do know that less than 1% of our doctors in training declare a disability yet the prevalence in the working age population in the UK is 19%. We’re here to assist if you feel it might be helpful for you and also to learn from the experience of our doctors in training. Our support comprises:

  • Our Professional Support and Wellbeing service Case Managers will act as the ‘key worker’ to coordinate your support group with trainers and employers.
  • Support group meetings are arranged as needed with your full involvement.
  • We will encourage a proactive approach to assisting you in transitioning between training locations.
  • We will promote the use of the HEE/NHS Employers ‘Health passport’.
  • We will arrange advice from a specialist medical and dental training Occupational Health physician as needed.
  • We will signpost to Access to Work guidance: information available here and here
  • Support is available throughout your training programme.

Please see our presentation on the support available: click here (presentation will open in video mp4 format) 

Should you be interested in what we are able to offer then do please get in touch with our PSW team at